One of the most interesting but unfortunately often forgotten sights of the Alanya area is Alara Castle near the town of Alarahan. The impressive castle is built on a conical shaped rock, which is so steep that all potential conquerors were frightened by
One of the most interesting but unfortunately often forgotten sights of the Alanya area is Alara Castle near the town of Alarahan. The impressive castle is built on a conical shaped rock, which is so steep that all potential conquerors were frightened by the sight alone. The only way to get to the castle is through secret tunnels in the rock. Even today these tunnels are the only way up. Hence a torch, sensible shoes and great care are essential for those who want to climb through the tunnels all the way to the castle, which takes about 45 minutes. As an incentive and reward, a fantastic castle and magnificent view awaits you at the top.
Below Alara Castle are the Alara River and the Alarahan Caravansary, which dates back to circa 1200. In the past the caravans made a final stop here before they reached the ocean and the town of Alaiye nowadays called Alanya.