The Dim River flows from the highlands in Konya about 200 kilometres southwards before it meets the Mediterranean Sea east of Alanya. The river played an important role in the economical development of Alanya in the forties when many banana fields where
The Dim River flows from the highlands in Konya about 200 kilometres southwards before it meets the Mediterranean Sea east of Alanya. The river played an important role in the economical development of Alanya in the forties when many banana fields where established, as it was with water from the Dim River that the fields were irrigated. Even today when farming and banana growing is no longer the main industry in Alanya, the river is still important for the town. Many restaurants are to be found along the riverside and they are almost situated in the river. In the summertime when the water level is low the tables are placed in the water and thus it is possible to cool your feet in the chilly water while eating. Every restaurant at Dim River breeds trout which are served freshly caught.
Especially in the very warm summer months, when the temperature reaches 40 degrees the river with its many pleasant cheerful restaurants is a popular place not only for tourists but also for the locals who do not like to sunbathe at the beach.
Approximately 5 kilometres from the mouth of the river the government is constructing a large dam. The dam will not only supply Alanya with drinking water but will also solve the problem of the insufficient and unstable supply of electricity.
When the dam is ready it will also be easier to regulate the amount of water in the river. However the surrounding area and thereby also the many restaurants behind the dam will be flooded once the dam is ready.