The Turkish appetizers are known as meze which is a selection of cold and hot dishes served in small dishes
The Turkish appetizers are known as meze which is a selection of cold and hot dishes served in small dishes.
It is similar to Spanish tapa dishes but the taste is very different.
Traditionally the chosen dishes are placed in the centre of the table and everyone helps themselves from the selection. This is a very sociable and friendly environment in which to entertain friends, family or guests .
The tasty dishes can be numerous and the flavours experienced only limited by the creator’s imagination.
For example: Give these a try!

Lavas: Large and airy 'balloon' bread spread with sesame seeds. You eat it with meze dishes.
Dolma: Vine leaves, peppers, tomatoes or potatoes stuffed with rice, meat, pured tomatoes and spices.
Börek: Fried puff pastry with white cheese and spinach. Also called ladyfingers or cigarette rolls.
Aubergine: Aubergine/ eggplant stuffed with tomato, meat, onion and spices.
Feta: Soft white cheese eaten with lavas.
Shepherd's salad: Salad, tomato, cucumber, onion, vinegar and maybe chili.
Haydari: A lot like the Greek tzatziki. In Turkey the cucumber is replaced with chive.
Ezme: Red spicy dish made from chilli, tomato and chives. Served as an accompaniment to kebab or lavas.