Turkish real estate vocabulary
Sözlesme Hesap No / Agreement Account number
Some years ago the Turkish electricity systems were privatized and each area of Turkey has independent private providers with the one in the Antalya region being CLK Akdeniz.
Since the switch from state run to private companies the sector has undergone several changes.
Some good and some not so good. One thing that seems to change all the time is rates and how they are calculated.
Also how the electric meters got registered has changed several times, but it seems now that finally CLK Akdeniz has settled on "Sözlesme Hesap No // Agreement Account number" for registering electric meters.
So this is now the only number needed for paying your electric bill.
Bills can be paid and checked via CLK Akdeniz web site, via any Turkish bank or from small shops found in every neighborhood.
Link to CLK Akdeniz: https://online.ckakdeniz.com.tr