Remember that not all traditions have a direct purpose but often must be seen as a symbolic act with any logical explanation. The customs and traditions mentioned here is just a selection of many. Often they are not being used any more.
Remember that not all traditions have a direct purpose but often must be seen as a symbolic act with any logical explanation. The customs and traditions mentioned here is just a selection of many. Often they are not being used any more.

- A newly born child will not get it nails cut the first six month of its life. After six month the hand of the child is put into the pocket of the father from where it will take some money. The money is then spent on fruits and nuts that are shared with the neighbours. After that the nails will be cut.
- When a newly born child arrives to its home after the birth all visitors will be invited for a nice dinner. This is to avoid that the newly born will get an egocentric character.
- If more than one child is born within the same area on the same day the parents will meet and exchange sewing needles or bread. This is to avoid that the children will become lazy.

In case of sickness:
- - If a dog barks in front of a house with a sick person it is considered as a bad sign. From the house glowing charcoal and onions will then be thrown at the dog. At the same time it will be shouted out to the dog: “I hope your mouth will burn”.
- In the case of an eye infection the infected eye will be washed with water from the bowl from which the dog is drinking its water. This should set right the infection.
- By swellings around the ears a circle around the swelled area is drawn with the tooth from a dead pig. This must be done when the stars appear in the sky after which a prayer is spoken.
- If a person is experiencing allergy a red ribbon is attached to the person after which he is chased by a group of children all speaking out the same verse. This should make the allergy disappear.

The traveller:
When a person set out for longer journeys water is purred on the ground before him. This should make the journey go “easy and effortless as running water”.